Monday, May 30, 2011


These days at the beach have left me with nostalgia for family and years gone by.   Memorial Day ended up being a time for me to remember my Mom, so recently gone by just a few months.

Natural Bridges in Santa Cruz, CA

We spent the day by the beach in Santa Cruz again.  This time, we skipped the wildness of the Boardwalk for a different kind of wild -- nature's beauty at Natural Bridges.  Here, little kids inspect tide pools for marine life.  Adults wander around the natural rock formations.  Inland from the beach are the  woods where Monarch Butterflies gather by the thousands during their annual migrations.

Natural Bridges in Santa Cruz, CA
Dress:  my mom's Belgian lace dress
Blazer: linen Eileen Fisher
belt: sister's gift from Argentina
sunglasses: Mango

This happens to be the Pacific Coast, so mornings by the beach are freezing!  I felt like a batty, old lady -- the kind with nine cats -- under 5 layers of clothing.  All I had really intended to do was wear my Mom's dress. Dad says it was from a trip to Belgium around the '70s.  While the dress was from Europe, somehow, my whole get-up felt somewhat American (like Ralph Lauren's prairie looks).

My mom's lace dress from Belgium, circa 1970s

It was really a gorgeous day by the beach.  I may be in a sepia mood, but the sky was blue!   Families were all out celebrating Memorial Day.

Natural Bridges in Santa Cruz, CA

I hope your weekend was lovely!

Saturday, May 28, 2011


Memorial Day Holiday

In America, this is traditionally a long weekend holiday involving the first trips to the beach for the summer.  We on the West Coast are lucky because the Beach tends to be a only half hour away.  So, we hit Santa Cruz Beach this morning.  It is not only famous for surfing.  It also boasts the oldest Amusement Park (The Boardwalk) in California from 1907.

Santa Cruz Beach
The sky was hazy towards the water but very blue towards the mountains
Photo: The Foolish Aesthete

I don't mean for this to be a Travelogue Blog.  It just seems that I am out and about these last few days! Hollywood films and cult classics have been shot here in Santa Cruz with the Boardwalk as backdrop.  Aside from nostalgia, my husband loves all the cheesy rides and circus colors.

The Aerial Gondola at Santa Cruz Boardwalk
Photo: The Foolish Aesthete

The Ferris Wheel at Santa Cruz Beach
Photo: The Foolish Aesthete

He was on this wild ride -- The Fire Ball!  I stayed rooted on terra firma.

My husband was on this crazy Fire Ball ride
Santa Cruz Boardwalk
Photo: The Foolish Aesthete

The Red Baron looks more my speed -- it's for the little tots!  Don't you think they look like they're really flying the bi-plane alongside the birds?

Little tots on The Red Baron ride
Santa Cruz Boardwalk
Photo: The Foolish Aesthete

These girls are ready for lift off on the Hang Glider ride.  They get to have a marvelous view of the Pier and Monterey Bay.

Hang Glider ride at Santa Cruz Boardwalk
Photo: The Foolish Aesthete

And there they go ...

Hang Glider ride at Santa Cruz Boardwalk
Photo: The Foolish Aesthete

That kicks off our Memorial Day weekend.  We'll see what the next few days brings.

Hope you are all having a terrific weekend, whether it's a holiday or not.

Friday, May 27, 2011


I've been running around design showrooms all over these past few days -- no time for Blogging.  Yesterday, I was in San Francisco's design district (feels a bit like TriBeCa in NYC).  I was bummed not to have my camera with me.  Juggling sharp samples of stones and tiles, lens safety was my priority.  So, the iPhone had to stand in.

I may have violated an unwritten Blogger code here, but I just had to snap a photo of this interior designer without asking.  He was so rapt working with his colleague over lunch.  Yet, his checked pants to newsboy cap kept calling me for a picture!

Designer at work:
The whole checked-pants-with-matching-sweater-and-newsboy-cap
declared I was far from Silicon Valley

This is where my iPhone slipped from my hands.  Whoa!  The building looks like it's  moving!  I've never had that effect with the Canon.

San Francisco design district

Observation: the West Coast sky really feels different from the East Coast's.  I've also lived in Asia and Europe, and the skies are different there too.  There is an intensity to the sun and blue sky here.  My weathered skin is evidence.

A beautiful day in San Francisco
Okay, nothing profound to report.  Just sharing how inspired I am to be surrounded by creativity here in San Francisco.  For you street fashion bloggers, there was a lot of eye candy while I was walking around!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


This Foolish Aesthete is taking a break from tormenting the poor architects.  By the way, you are one terrific lot -- encouraging me to sabotage my own project!

So what am I doing with modernist architects?  After all, antiquities and period pieces engulf our home (Our home is bizarrely eclectic.)  Aside from you wondering about my schizophrenic design tastes, I think the answer lies in the principle of Contrast.  It just makes everything so much more interesting, don't you think?

My friend, "Y", during our ballet photo shoot
Photo: The Foolish Aesthete

Which brings me to how I photographed my beautiful ballerina colleagues a few weeks ago.  A lot of ballet photography focuses on the soft, pink and frou frou look of ballet.  I am grateful to my friends for allowing me to deviate from that!

(I haven't forgotten all the photos I took during our ballet photo shoot.  I just didn't want to unleash a torrent of ballet images.  So here's a slow trickle.)

How would you describe your style/design tastes?

Monday, May 23, 2011


This Foolish Aesthete is feeling impish today.  I have a non-stop day of meetings with architects and contractors ahead.  Our architects are straight-faced minimalists -- geometric lines and a neutral palette.   I just always try to mess with them and make them wonder if this client really hired them.   I say, shock them with color, round shapes and texture.

Jacket: Luca Luca
Polka Dot blouse: Luca Luca
Hat: my husband's Panama
Pants: Gavin

That's why I have the orange fur for effect ...

Jacket: Luca Luca
Polka Dot blouse: Luca Luca
Hat: my husband's Panama
Pants: Gavin
Fur: rabbit fur from Vail

You can't see it in the photo but I'm wearing python gladiators.  They may as well know we need floors that can stand up to slithering snakes too.

Shoes: Linea Paolo
Photo: Google Images

I know this look is nowhere near shocking by Anna dello Russo's standards.  But remember, this is Silicon Valley where scientific academics are most comfortable behind their cubicles!

Hope you all have a good week ahead.

Saturday, May 21, 2011


"Sculpting In Time" -- Andrei Tarkovsky's book on art and cinema

This Foolish Aesthete was watching "The Mirror" last night by legendary film maker, Andrei Tarkovsky.  Each frame is so patiently beautiful.  His philosophy in film: "Sculpting in time."

Pool reflection
Photo: The Foolish Aesthete

Inspired so, I went about just trying to be in the moment.  No intentions of capturing anything in particular.  Tarkovsky never felt the need to provide action or even a straight narrative in his storytelling. (Of course, I could never shoot anything as beautiful as Tarkovsky.)

The sun was getting low but still bright.  I nearly burnt my eyeballs trying to get shots straight at the sun through the trees. (I know, stupid, right?)  With eyes hurting, I decided to focus on the reflection in the pool instead.  This is the image that came out.  The colors actually came out Tarkovsky-esque unintentionally.  It doesn't even look like the pool at all.

How about you -- what are your favorite films?


P.S.  Thanks to Songbird for the Watermarking tips.  This is a basic text start!

Friday, May 20, 2011


This Foolish Aesthete can now breathe a sigh of relief ... sigh...  Show is finished.  While there were so many things we wish we could have done better, the audience was moved and teary-eyed.  Goal accomplished.

I am liking these little vignettes a la Coveteur. So here's an encore for the mask I wore at the Opening of the Ballet.  (For those who are familiar with Romeo & Juliet, we opened with the regal Montagues & Capulets promenade to heavy Prokofiev music -- everyone masked and in their various costumes for the show).  The flowers are freshly received from the performance.

Wild Arrangement
Mask and Flowers: from the show
Shoes: Yves Saint Laurent
Photo:  The Foolish Aesthete

The mask was so wild, I looked like The Firebird.  All the stranger since I was wearing my White Swan costume with it.  That's a serious split personality disorder. And for those who have ever judged a book by its cover, Euripides made it to the arrangement purely on the basis of color.  (Alright, nothing beats the Greek tragedies.  I truly love them.)  

Shoes: Yves Saint Laurent
Photo: The Foolish Aesthete

Why, do you ask, are those shoes walking on top?  Because they had been chastised for even considering going on top of Euripides. ;-)  Actually, I always think of the ballet whenever I use my old YSLs.  The black, embroidered lace is reminiscent of our costumes.

By the way, Photographer friends out there, how do you stamp your photos with your name/logo so nobody can steal it from you?

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Tomorrow is a busy day.  We'll be running our show in the evening.  We get into the theater early to prepare, then go through spacing and technical rehearsals with lighting and curtains. I probably shouldn't have had that glass of wine at dinner.

Breaking my new pointe shoes

For you curious ones, this is part of my process of breaking in new pointe shoes -- not to be done to your Louboutins.  Fashionistas have round toes vs. pointy toes, block heels vs. stilettos.  Similarly, there is an endless variety of shapes for pointe shoes.  In the latter's case, they are incredibly important -- if the shoe doesn't fit, you can't dance!  This is a new shape I'm trying out.  I hope it works.

Breaking in my new pointe shoes

I just happened upon this fun little short film featuring New York City Ballet's Ashley Bouder.  You get a sense of the restrained control in Ballet vs. the freedom of Freestyle.  All dance is beautiful.  This guy tWitch moves wonderfully!  I liked the gritty studio setting they used too.

Short video from Discount Dance Supply, with New York City Ballet's Ashley Bouder

What dance do you like to watch? (or do?)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


This Foolish Aesthete is in a silly mood again.  I just love The Coveteur and their artful lifting-of-the-veil behind the most glamorous closets.  Knowing I will never get Coveteured, I went about Coveteuring myself.  (Many thanks to the Man Repeller for a new verb in the English language.)

I assembled a quick arrangement using whatever was within arms' reach.  The tulips are 2 days past their prime, but still straining to show some fading beauty.  The Betsey Johnson wedges, whimsical as they are with their bow tie front and leopard print soles, deserved a place in the shot.  After all, I pounded the pavement in LA with them a few weeks ago -- and who walks in LA?

A Little Arrangement
Shoes: Betsey Johnson
Photo: The Foolish Aesthete

A local Bay Area artist created the mixed media art backdrop.  When I asked him what the colors, textures and etched writing meant, he remarked that only his psychotherapist really knew.  Cue from Rorschach: we are free to assign any meaning we like to it.  (I won't judge you even if it is a disturbed interpretation.)

On a serious note, for you fashion lovers:  Don't we just love Richard Avedon's photography?  I saw the Avedon photography exhibit at the San Francisco MoMA last year and just thought he was a genius!

Monday, May 16, 2011


This Foolish Aesthete loves sushi in the summer.  My favorites are salmon and eel.  Thinking of sushi these past few cold, rainy days made me think of what I'd like to wear -- were the weather more forgiving, of course.

Zara skirt
HOBO International clutch
Silver cuff gift

So I pulled out the colorful Zara skirt as a foil for a salmon-colored clutch. This was hastily shot in the evening when the sun dared to peak from behind the clouds. (You can actually see the blinds casting shadows.)  This also means I didn't have time to steam the wrinkles out of the skirt - sorry!

Does food influence your choice of outfits?  Or vice versa?  As we speak, I am making salmon for dinner.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


It's raining intermittently today so no outdoor outfit shots for you folks.  Instead, I put my imagination back into the sun and blue skies of my Southern Cal trip over 2 weeks ago.

I shot non-stop at the Getty Center in LA.  In film-speak, I shot rolls.  I figured I'd do a slow time-release, just like medicine, enough to keep us feeling good particularly on grey days.

Richard Meier's architecture was amazing (how many times have I said this?).  Harnessing light and shadow: such a simple but striking concept!

Getty Center
shadows by the stair well
photo: The Foolish Aesthete

I particularly loved the zig zag shadows cascading down the stairs.   It made me think of the ancient Ziggurats of Ur, ascending to the heavens.

Wishing you all a lovely weekend, hopefully sunnier than mine.

Saturday, May 14, 2011


I'm busy with dress rehearsals this weekend so this is a quick post.

If any of you saw "Black Swan" or other ballet movies, you may be familiar with the ritual ballerinas have ahead of a performance:  namely, preparing the pointe shoes.

A soft and a hard pair of pointe shoes drying out
I ordered another pair in a different shape to try out too

Every dancer has their own ritual.  Mine consists of having several pairs of shoes, with different "feels" for different choreography.  I like a hard shoe with lots of support if I am dancing on pointe a lot (endless bourres!).  For a lot of jumps, my preference is a soft, very broken-in shoe.  We mash up the shoes until they feel right.  Then we sew the elastics and ribbons on.  Lastly, which is what you see here, I put clear nail polish at the ends of the ribbons to prevent fraying (some burn the edges, but I'm a little afraid of pyrotechnics).  You see the shoes drying out here.

I imagine that athletes have a similar ritual when preparing for a meet or competition.  Are any of you athletes or performers?  What are your experiences?

Art work by a local, Bay Area artist.  I thought it was an interesting, nearly disturbing, contrast to have the edgy mixed media alongside the satin shoes.  

Friday, May 13, 2011


This was my post from yesterday that Blogger deleted.  I was already behind schedule then, it's even later now.  Mea culpa.

This is a very belated but whole-hearted thanks to:

The Soapy Mermaid for extending the Liebster Blog Award to me

The Liebster Blog Award
recognizes blogs
with less than 300 followers

and Mariel's Secret for giving me The Award

The Award
recognizes newly discovered blogs

I was so touched, honored, and utterly surprised -- especially since these bloggers have been inspirations to me as well.  Without my dear friend at Mariel's Secret, The Foolish Aesthete would never have been born a month and a half ago.  It goes without saying that I love to see what she is wearing halfway around the world.  And the lovely Soapy Mermaid, together with her beautiful faerie of a daughter, inspire me with their traipsing through the woods of Auvergne.  I always feel like King Oberon and Queen Titania are just behind the willow trees.

These awards are a wonderful way of recognizing smaller blogs.  As I was thinking of whom to pass them on to, I ended up with Blogger Paralysis!  Not because there was no one to name, but rather because EVERYONE -- from you, my followers, to anyone who spends the time to comment -- adds to my daily dose of inspiration.  Truly.  Small and large blogs.  New and old blogs.  I get fired up each time.

If you don't already, I encourage those of you reading to click on all the blogs of people who comment on mine.  They are all wonderful!  And similarly, check through my followers (though there's no way to find the Bloglovin' ones?).  Top notch bunch!

For the Blog Award rules, they are both similar:

1. Thank the bloggers who named you, with links back to their blogs.  
2. Choose 3 new awardees, with links to their blogs (criteria under Award photos above).
3.  Notify your awardees about their accolades.

Thank you again!


Blogger is back on for now (though yesterday's posts and comments are not).  Still, I'm happy so I am posting something that's been inspiring me for weeks.  I've been spotting leopard prints all over other blogs.  My turn.

Spot the Sexy Leopard in the bushes ...

Stuart Weitzman platform heels

She believes she looks deliciously dangerous dangling from tree limbs.  Cool camouflage.

Stuart Weitzman heels

Shy Ballerina Flats want a part of the action too.  Hold on, she's Giraffe, not Leopard!

Donald J. Pliner giraffe-print calf hair flats

Silly Red Bag thinks she can disguise herself in Jungle Garb.  Identity Crisis hits: Leopard? Tiger?  Or both?

Vintage red doctor's bag, Vintage scarf

No matter.  Look at her slink on tree limbs too!

That's really the end of my silly story.  Who are we kidding?  This is California.

Stuart Weitzman platforms take a bow
Sorry for the greenish water - pool chemicals!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Whether or not you like modern dance, there is no question that Martha Graham changed the landscape of dance.  Her choreography is so powerful and her choice of minimal stage and costume design is what we now associate with that genre.

Today, she would have been 117 years old.  I am a classically trained ballet dancer - not schooled in Graham technique - but here is my tribute to her.

Me trying to be Martha Graham-ish

More of me being Martha Graham-ish

More of me emulating Martha Graham, ballerina-style!

Another tribute from Google Doodle with animation by Ryan Woodward:

And here is the Lady herself, in all her pain and angst:

Martha Graham
web photo from archives

I am playing all the Aaron Copland music he made for her ballets all day!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


I was at the Getty Center in Brentwood, LA two weekends ago.  If you haven't been, it is amazing!   Even if you never step into any exhibit, the architecture by Richard Meier is stunning.

Everything at the Getty was designed with light and shadow in mind.  Not to mention the intensely blue California sky.  I didn't edit out clouds at all - it really looked like this!

Getty Center
Architect: Richard Meier
photo: The Foolish Aesthete
Light and shadow alternate on the column and windows

Getty Center
Architect: Richard Meier
photo: The Foolish Aesthete
I think I lucked out on the blooms here

Getty Center
Architect: Richard Meier
photo: The Foolish Aesthete
Lines, curves and sweeping vistas are part of the architecture
I considered rendering these in black and white but realized that the backdrop of blue sky was central to the architecture.   What do you think?

I went home fully inspired again!  Aside from visual overdrive from the exhibits & architecture, I took home a book on Henri Cartier-Bresson photography.  No words - the man is a genius.

Monday, May 9, 2011


This Foolish Aesthete is playing again with her camera.  And the junk yard.  The garage is a treasure trove of props.

I was in the mood for something graphic and slightly industrial.  Not easy to come by here in the Bay Area where there is so much natural beauty!

Dress: Marc Jacobs
Top: Target
Jeans: Calvin Klein
Boots: Bamboo
Geometric Cuff: can't remember, perhaps from Asia

Sometimes, I just live in this black & grey Marc Jacobs knit.  It has so many panels and flaps.  Someone commented I looked like an architect in it.  Had the dress not been in a soft knit, it might have passed for an architectural structure itself. 

By the way, I have another wedding to attend in July - this time in NYC!  NYC-based folks, let me know of any cool but reasonably priced hotels.  Otherwise, I might opt again for an apartment and re-live my NYC residence days.

Sunday, May 8, 2011


Happy Mother's Day to all the beautiful mothers out there!

Perhaps everyone in this particular blogging community owes their sense of style to their mothers.  My brothers and sisters certainly do.  If I had to sum it up, I'd say our Mom was "Elegant Bohemian."

Trying to emulate Mom's Elegant Bohemian look
sunglasses: Marc Jacobs
tunic: Max Studio by Leon Max
jeans: Cambio Jeans from Germany
wedges: Cole Haan
chair: from trip to Morocco

Mom was truly a bohemian intellectual.  She was highly educated and traveled the globe in the '70s professionally, bringing home trinkets from exotic countries often still closed to the general populace.  She also had to navigate the society world in our country.  In fact, I inherited the collection of evening gowns she designed and wore to Palace events, the equivalent of the White House, since I was the lucky size (no special favors - Mom was egalitarian.).  I am not making this up, as those of you who know me can personally attest!

Mom taught me to look at the finished line of the whole ensemble, showed how asymmetry in clothing can be balancing, and how a floppy hat can add instant chic to any outfit.

This is my inspiration and what I try to live up to!

Friday, May 6, 2011


I was at a community event supporting an International Fair this evening.  Scientists and engineers come from all around the world to fuel Google and all our Blogging hobbies.  So a multitude of countries was represented in Silicon Valley's melting pot.

If you think about the origins of fashion, it really began with beautiful national costumes.  Someday, I hope to be able to visit Rajasthan and all those gorgeous castles in India.  Perhaps, I'll get to finger those shimmering fabrics and intricate jewelry.  Meanwhile, I thought this little maharani dancing over here was exquisite.

Little girl in Indian costume
dancing a beautiful classical Indian dance

Mesmerizing little Indian dancer

This Foolish Aesthete needs to get out more -- especially in the late afternoon.  The light is perfect!

Thursday, May 5, 2011


This is a brief interlude from L.A. experiences ...

This Foolish Aesthete is preparing for a ballet photo shoot this weekend.  Pointe shoes need to be sewn up and broken in.  They are only pristine once, so I didn't want to miss the chance to photograph them.

Brand new pointe shoes
in the afternoon light

Once in a while, it's fun to shoot with a soft, romantic effect.  It's a wonderful contrast to the sharp, contemporary edges I've been seeing all weekend.  Besides, the Rodarte exhibit at the MOCA reminded me of all my own costumes.  Unbloodied, but with their fair share of sweat and tears.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


L.A. has serious color blocking.

Upon touchdown, my sister and I headed directly to the MOCA's Pacific Design Center to view Rodarte's installation of "Black Swan" tutus and other pieces.  I was greeted by color blocks that would make any fashionista proud.  Even the clear, blue sky wanted a part in the trend.

MOCA Pacific Design Center
in LA

It had not been my plan to blend in with the color scheme.  But you can judge for yourself -- with a little squinting -- how much in harmony I am with the surroundings!

by Rodarte's installation,
MOCA Pacific Design Center

suede jacket: BCBG
sweater: Bayo (Asian label)
denim skirt: Theory

As for the Rodarte exhibit, I was impressed, as always, with the sisters' visions.  No pictures allowed, otherwise I would have documented the installation.  The security guards were very proud to tell visitors about which items were worn by Natalie Portman in the film.  They particularly relished pointing out her bloody, white swan tutu.

Monday, May 2, 2011


After a series of mishaps with planes, trains, and automobiles, this Foolish Aesthete is finally back from LA.  What a visual delight of a trip!  I haven't had time to sift through my camera files, but I saw this on my first day downtown.

Walt Disney Concert Hall
architect: Frank Gehry
photo: The Foolish Aesthete

It is impossible to capture this Gehry structure from one angle.  New geometries kept emerging as I approached and walked around it.  The L.A. Philharmonic must be pretty happy to play in such a venue. I was thrilled my hotel was 2 blocks from it!

I'll share more over the next few days.  Excited to see what you all have been up to this weekend.

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